Europe’s Backfiring Weapon: Exclusion and Discrimination
With the end of the Cold War, the radical and extremist tendencies have
increased in Europe. These nationalistic approaches which have impacts
on both social and political levels have escalated in the post-9/11 era.
Thus, Europe became the scene of exclusionary and discriminatory
practices during the 2000s. Those practices which emerged in the form
of xenophobia, islamophobia and anti-immigrationism at the social level
have also played a crucial role in political choices. In this regard, far right
parties have somewhat joined ruling coalitions in their countries and the
political agenda of the center-right parties has begun to slide to extremism
and racism. In this atmosphere, the definition of the “other” which is shaped
with a viewpoint based on fear and hatred is affected by economic crises
and it damages multicultural perspectives.
01 Şubat 2012 16:05
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