Mehmet Yahya ÇİÇEKLİ
Tüm YazılarıSoviet arsenal enthusiasts and military experts all over the world are well acquainted with the Kalashnikovs (AKs). Any example of a random variant of Kalashnikov’s barrel ends with a very small round apparatus, with a flat or pointed tip (muzzle break), roughly about 1.5-2 centimeters or half an inch in length. Like many other auto weapons, firing blank rounds in a Kalashnikov is different than regular ammunition. Whereas semi auto fire with blank rounds is not a big deal in AKs, full auto fire requires a special adapter in place of the muzzle break. Which could be identified with a longer chrome tip at the end of the barrel.
During the Second Karabagh War both sides were still generally using assault rifles of aged designs: standard issue rifles were Kalashnikovs. When a widely circulated video appeared on the internet showing a scene of Armenian prisoners of war (POWs), apparently executed by a bunch of angry Azerbaijani soldiers, the weapons shooters were using consist of Kalashnikovs.
The Famous Execution Video
The famous execution video portrays execution style murders, sparked humane feelings and therefore often condemned. Nevertheless a well-informed person can see many details that others miss. When it comes to execute POWs, The Second Karabagh War has shown us, the best way is using blank rounds. It’s easy to ascertain the value of blank rounds from the soldier in the video who is spraying bullets on POWs in full auto, with a “blank adapter” on his rifle. Blank adapters are such unique in appearance and size that it’s not probable to confuse it with other Kalashnikov accessories. Other soldiers haven’t got blank adapters and they can only shoot single rounds. If the looks could kill, so could blank rounds. Which wouldn’t scratch anyone a few meters away. Blank ammo are “blank”, which means they don’t have a bullet or a projectile, and just discharge soot, ash and hot gasses.
Conditions in the Video
Blank firing rifle is not the only thing amiss in the execution of Armenian POWs. Using firearms requires a firm discipline, which should be very well established in any military training. It’s so highly dangerous and unacceptable on a scale that it’s not conceivable to shoot at a target surrounded by shooter’s own troops in a tight radius of a few meters. Cartridges of Kalashnikovs have quite high energy on that close range –unless they are blanks– and could easily penetrate a human body and keep going on to the next target or ricochet over the large rock formations seen in the video. It’s not possible to shoot hundreds of bullets on some POWs in front of the shooter when there are other friendly personnel just a few meters behind Armenian soldiers.
Filming someone in very close range (no more than a few meters), who is being shot and killed by lots of assault rifle rounds, will definitely record some bleeding and other traces of the shooting. Still, in the circulated propaganda video, no wounds or blood is visible. Shooting a single round at rocks in a very close distance is quite dangerous in itself. Bullets will ricochet, rock pieces will ricochet. Any rational person trained in firearms would not shoot a single round in such a situation, nevertheless shoot lots of ammo.
An interesting point in the video is that, the perpetrators of this video underestimated the gas and residue discharge of blank ammunition. In such close range, under 1 or 2 meters, discharge of Kalashnikov blanks will hurt and burn open skin. Therefore, on the left side of video, a soldier who has been shot many times and lying on the ground, when shot again in very short range, rises from the grave like Lazarus and exhibit pain.
Why Would Opposing Forces Execute POWs?
In an ongoing conflict, it’s a better position to persuade or convince opposing forces to surrender or retreat, no hope to surrender means opposition will fight to the last breath when they couldn’t retreat. Usually all sides to a conflict would propagate about how good they treat POWs, in order to induce tendency to surrender. Capturing a POW has benefits, POWs will be interrogated for tactical and other valuable information and they will be exchanged for opposing force’s POWs. Throughout history, execution of POWs happened. When such executions are underway, historical events show that POW’s will usually be searched first and their helmets, vests, equipment and such will be confiscated, unlike the scene in the video.
Propaganda Material
This propaganda video of a false flag “staged scene” is not the only type of propaganda material world has witnessed in Karabagh. During the First Karabagh War, Azerbaijani people, who were victims of crimes which constitute ethnic cleansing, were recorded while telling that their civilian neighbors and relatives were killed by Armenian soldiers. Armenian translators employed by European media, while translating these Turkish statements, replaced the victims with offender. The newsreel was dubbed “Azerbaijani soldiers… killed us” whereas original voice of victim in the background told “Armenian soldiers… killed us”.
During and after the Second Karabagh War, there were other fabricated propaganda videos distributed by Armenian side. Some of these also include fake execution videos. Trademark of these “execution by shooting” videos are small smoke grenades, detonated near victims, which are designed for maneuvers and war games. This video also has similar visuals. This fabricated video, not unlike other similar propaganda materials, is widely spread by malicious or ignorant platforms.
Hypothetically, execution of unarmed, surrendered soldiers would constitute murder in peace conditions and a war crime during war. Which wouldn’t be tolerated and definitely persecuted in any country with such solid evidence. On the other hand, wearing opposing force’s uniform is actually a crime that is swiftly and legally punished by execution during war. Therefore Armenian forces actually committed an act of war during the production of this video. The reason why Armenia obtained Azerbaijani uniforms is also a good question.
Most of the time cleaning a stain is harder than causing it. Azerbaijan's legal and legitimate defense and recovery of its own borders against Armenia’s occupation is portrayed as a savage action by such videos. Recent history recorded quite the opposite of what Armenian propaganda makes up. Armenia actually exerted ethnic cleansing, including mass killings, against local Azerbaijani population during the first Karabagh war. Also, Armenia hasn't let any single Azerbaijani to stay in or return to Karabagh during occupation. Azerbaijani exclave villages in Armenia has still been suffering the same fate for more than 30 years.
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